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3M™ DBI-SALA® Suspension Trauma Safety Strap is designed to prevent the effects of suspension trauma after a fall. The strap allows for increased comfort, balance and improved circulation in the legs while suspended and waiting for rescue. Continuous loop design allows for either one or two-foot suspension relief without pinching and compact, lightweight design stays out of the worker's way. Installation to your harness is fast and efficient with a safety accessory that can be attached to most harness brands/styles. Deployment and operation of safety strap is fool-proof, simply unzip and hook straps together. This strap offers increased comfort, balance and improved circulation in the legs while suspended and waiting for rescue.
Helps prevent the effects of suspension trauma after a fall
Allows a suspended worker to stand up in their harness to relieve pressure
Can be attached to most harness brands and styles right in the field
Fast and efficient installation to the harness - just choke off to strap
Extremely compact and lightweight design
Deployment and operation is fool-proof, simply unzip, and hook straps together
Continuous loop design allows for one or two-foot suspension relief without pinching
Continuous loop design allows for one or two-foot suspension relief without pinching
This product is part of a personal fall arrest or restraint system. These instructions must be provided to the user of this equipment. The user must read and understand these instructions before using this equipment. Users must follow the manufacturer's instructions for each component of the system. Manufacturer's instructions must be followed for proper use and maintenance of this equipment. Alterations or misuse of this product, or failure to follow instructions, may result in serious injury or death